We run a family business with a long tradition in olive oil production. We started in 1995 with a retail shop in Moraitika, Corfu. In 2007 we established the production section and the standardization of olive oil. We gave it the name ‘’Nyssos’’ and its located in Bragkaniotika, southwest of Corfu.
Ever since the business is active in producing, packaging and marketing Extra Virgin Oil and Virgin Olive Oil.
According to mythology, the name “Nyssos” comes probably from Nousso, the son of God Dionisos, to whom they dedicated landscapes and outstanding areas of natural beauty.
Since 2007, our unit produces a first quality olive oil with concern for our customers. All procedures, storage, process and standardization of the products place in a contemporary unit with very strict specifications applying to the ISO quality assurance systems.
Coming from a country family, which had enough arable acres in the southwestern part of the island next to the lake Korission, we started the production of local olive oil, “Nyssos”. Our main interest focuses on the observation and proper supervision of our trees development, in order to produce first quality products. Thus, our olive oil is delicious, rich in nutrients and vitamins and offers a gentle taste of beautiful local aromas. We named it “Nyssos” after the location Issos, where our properties are. Issos is an exquisite beach which considered one of the most beautiful beaches not only of Greece, but also of Europe. According to mythology, the name “Nyssos” comes probably from Nousso, the son of God Dionisos, to whom they dedicated landscapes and outstanding areas of natural beauty. Over the years the beach was renamed from “Nyssos” to “Issos”. So, the name “Nyssos” was given to honor our tradition. Our target is to produce and standardize excellent quality products, which are accessible to the consumers. With the sense of responsibility we aim at constant improvement of the products’ quality and contest for the national and international recognition. Our urgent plans conclude the establishment of an individual mill unit.
Our company is member of the “Corfu Produces”, which is a network for producers with local native products, especially in food and beverages. Our target is to promote and strengthen our locals products in order to make them known and accessible to both Greek and international markets. Products, which are available, are virgin olive oil, wine, beer, honey, fresh pasta, cheese and other local delicacies.